Quality Custom Magnets Are Inexpensive
Posted by Robert Badger at
When it comes to magnets, people and businesses can get quality magnets relatively inexpensively. When compared to other advertising mediums, they show their worth multiple times over. There is, however, a difference between inexpensive and cheap magnets.
When looking to get a quality magnet, a thickness of 30 mil is where you want to be at. Be careful that the ratio of magnet to image stock is 20 mil magnet and 10 mil image because that makes a huge difference in what kind of quality you will be receiving. Payless Magnets offers this type of quality magnet selection along with a high quality magnet lamination process that helps protect the integrity of the magnet and design.
Quality custom magnets can make a huge impression for businesses and for individuals who are celebrating an event or special occasion because they are unique and professional. There are many qualities that custom magnets possess which contribute to why they are so effective.
The value of custom magnets really shows when looking at these specific reasons for success:
Magnets are Useful – Custom magnets are useful because they can be placed on a fridge to hold up to 5 sheets of paper.
Magnets Are Reminders – They are consistently in the same place and in a location when people visit multiple times a day. For custom magnets such as save the date wedding magnets or even an event magnet, a reminder such as this is essential.
Magnets Are Long Lasting – Magnets do not rip or tear if they are made of quality. Payless Magnets items can be heavily handled, sprayed with cleaners and covered in liquid- and they still will remain intact.
Custom Magnets Are Unique – There are many great styles of custom magnets available. You can even create your own custom magnet shape!
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